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2014-10-14 | 責任編輯:admin | 浏覽數:3921 | 内容來(lái)源:本站(zhàn)編輯發布

XIYUE MEDIA是活動推廣策劃執行的專業公司,旨爲客戶打造衆多炫目難忘的市場活動,獨樹一幟。我們擁有豐富的經驗和(hé)專業的團隊,在市場傳播、活動管理(lǐ)、創意制作(zuò)及燈光音(yīn)響等方面保持着最高(gāo)的水(shuǐ)準,度身定制專屬效果,提供廣而深的專業服務,呈現(xiàn)令人歎爲觀止的活動體驗。




XIYUE MEDIA is planning the implementation of activities to promote the professional company, aims for customers to create numerous dazzling memorable marketing campaigns for unique. We have a wealth of experience and professional team, we maintain the highest standards in marketing communications, event management, creative production and lighting and sound, etc., tailored exclusive effect, providing a wide and deep professional services rendered breathtaking activities experience.


Our services include:

Business activities, Business execution, Performing arts programs, Press releases, New arrivals, Forum, Opening new stores, Fashion shows, Ceremonies, Exhibitions, Dinner parties, High-end wedding, Event organization, Public relations training, Film and television production.

上(shàng)一篇: 體育&娛樂營銷
下(xià)一篇: 店(diàn)面裝飾
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